onsdag den 21. november 2012

finished long study :D

finished the long study. around 15-18 hours on this one :)
My teacher worked a bunch on the left foot. hence why it's so dark.

Long study 20/11-2012

Update on long study 20th of november 2012

mandag den 19. november 2012

Long study 19-11-2012

Doing a long study over the next few days. 
Planning to upload the progress here. :)

19th of November 2012

søndag den 18. november 2012

Long studies (school stuff)

Uploading some more long studies. So you can see what I've been doing in school
They should be arranged in order from newest to oldest. :)

Learned alot about drawing transparent on this one.

Same model as the one above. :)

First drawing we did. Same model as the two drawings above.

A skull just to see how far we've gone in our studies. Also to keep the knowledge fresh, since we were drawing a portrait on the sideline as well. :)

A classmate of mine was up for modelling. So we drew him.

We drew a bust . :D I'm really happy with this one. I learned alot!

Drew a model lying down. It was hard because she wasn't that good at lying still. :)
Even our teacher commented on it.

Same model as the lying one. She was horrible at sitting still.. I'm not really pleased with this portrait. :/

Did a dragon for a friend for her birthday. :)

tirsdag den 6. november 2012

fredag den 2. november 2012


My sister wanted me to draw her.. She sent me a picture of her playing the game: "Slender", so I drew her, in the game...  lolz.